A review by senholto
The Way Home: Tales from a life without technology by Mark Boyle


This books remains one of the quickest reads I have ever achieved. But it was also one of the most equal parts painful and entertaining. If you are not fond of bad language this books is not for you. If you are not fond of hypocrites, this book is not for you. If you are not fond of preachy environmental activists, this book is not for you. If you are not fond of people who base their decisions on misinformation or worse yet, lies, this book is not for you. By the end of the book, I was rejoicing at the unfortunate events that befell Mark. Much like any leftist progressive, he seems to spend unecessary pages explaining things that should make plain sense, like why he had to type up this book in Microsoft Word. There were times, I felt like throwing the book out the window. Ultimately, the value I found in this book was in Mark's path to HoBo-heaven and his social interactions. It has also given me some insight to an off grid life, which I hope to borrow elements from in my own life. A great, if challenging read.