A review by kellsway
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor


Once upon a time, an angel and a devil pressed their hands to their hearts and started the apocalypse

I tried to prolonged ending this whirlwind of a freaking fantastic trilogy as long as I could

This Book Was Is Everything

Laini Taylor You Messed With My Core/Heart In This Book

I don't smoke but this is what i feel like doing right about now
 photo rihanna smoking_zpskj269uxw.gif

I am still an emotional reck and I'm not sure when if ever I'll be normal
Feelings photo feelings_zpsoevdvy68.gif

Akiva Akiva Akiva...I think it's perfectly normal to have a fake boyfriend...and Oh boy Akiva is mines : ))
 photo angel_zpsxu4xury6.jpg

I'm gonna lie down and meditate a bit because I'm still like
 photo relax gif_zpswdefpglk.gif