A review by wordsofapaige
Extinction Game by Gary Gibson


Jerry Beche is rescued from his own extinct universe by a group of people known only as ‘The Authority’, he soon discovers that he is in a parallel universe, and has been recruited as a pathfinder. The pathfinders are a group of people who explore apocalyptic parallel universes,however there is something about the Authority that isn’t quite right.

This book throws you into the action, and left me reeling at the first chapter, I struggled to initially get my head around what was happening, but as information is given to the reader things became clearer. This meant I was able to actually get into the book. After that I was unable to put it down. Extinction Game takes the overworked dystopian genre and gives it an exciting twist. There are many apocalyptic parallel universes, all with imaginative reasons for their demise. The characters are well fleshed out and interesting.

The only negative point I have about this novel is that perhaps it ended too quickly. The last quarter of the book is a race to get information and move the plot along, and everything is resolved pretty quickly. But then, it didn’t leave the reader wanting more, as the main plot lines were resolved, and the story is explained thoroughly.

I would recommend this book to others, as it is such an interesting take on such a popular genre at the moment.