A review by theyarnling
The Spring Queen by Jamie Applegate Hunter



Spring Queen by Jamie Applegate Hunter 

Kindle Unlimited 

Overall 3 

Spice 4 

  • Fated Mates 
  • Rejection 
  • Second Chance Romance 
  • Grief 
  • Low Fantasy Post Apocalyptic World 
  • Overcoming Abuse 
  • Navigating being the “Chosen One”
  • Romance and Spice Increased 
  • Book 2 of a Finished Series 
  • Spoilers —Pregnancy trope but central to plot 
  • Slight redundancy 
  •  Wild West? Really? Why did the “gods” choose that 
  • Multiple “lands” feels very Westworld meets DnD with fantasy vibes
  • Addicting AF reading book 3 
  • Rushed pacing 
  • Miscommunication 


This series is still highly addicting and such fun but a few of the “quirks” from book 1 seem to continue in book 2. Particularly the modern language used by the guardians. Though plot wise this makes sense especially in the new land (westworld meets DnD). The central romance was arresting and so well written with a lot of “will they won’t they” watching our MMC grow from know it all prince to humble husband was lovely storytelling. I do feel the plot outside of the romance feels rushed (what was the point with F? Why humanize that?) and therefore the pacing felt drawn out in the first ⅔ then rushed for the last ⅓. If you're looking for the next SJM this isn’t it but if you're into enjoyable addicting Smutty fantasy novels that won’t stress your brain! Here it is! 

Also ….Again Jamie makes me care more about guardians then the royals. I’m rooting for them over the prince every time. I feel like we have a missed opportunity not exploring that dynamic/pov more