A review by libralita
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


Cecily is doing the same thing that Will did to get Jem to be his parabatai but Will is a bit smarter than Jem.

Benedict Lightwood has turned into a…demon worm. Cassandra Clare has some weird…weird issues.

Cecy is kind of annoying but I kind of like the idea of Gabriel and Cecily.

“‘Don’t you even care where I’m going?’ he said. ‘What if I were going to hell?’
‘I’ve always wanted to see Hell,’ Cecily said calmly. ‘Doesn’t everyone?’”—page 86

Cecily you shit. She’s kind of annoying, though.

Tatiana is saying that Benedict Lightwood was murdered? Are you shitting me? What the hell is her problem? Also Consul Wayland is apparently a complete douche.

“Once the police revoked the Alhambra’s license because the management had allowed the cancan to be dance upon their premises.”—Consul Wayland, page 141

No! Not the cancan!

Oh, but I nearly cried when Jem was playing the song he made for Tessa and he was worried that she would hate it. I adore this man, I want him.

“‘And I am sure the scones are very good,’ he added hastily. ‘I just don’t like scones. I never liked scones. It’s not your scones.’”—Gideon Lightwood, page 223

Gideon you adorable shit, I love you and I adore you with Sophie.

Magnus and Henry having a scene together, I nearly died. I adore these characters and having them interact made me want to die of happiness.

Cassandra Clare, what the hell did Ithuriel ever do to you? First you have Shades imprisoned him in a Clockwork Angel and then Valentine captured him. What the hell?

Okay, Tessa turning into Ithuriel, I can Clare one thing, her endings are always so…unique. It was weird and kind of a mind fuck. I don’t really know what to think of this.

“The angel’s presence has left it. Ithuriel is free,”—Brother Enoch, page 466

Yeah for another 200-ish years and then Valentine Morgenstern will happen.

“We all must face dangers, and Brother Enoch. It was the same cool, unruffled mental voice he had used when he had told her that though Henry would live, he would never walk again.”—page 467

Thank fucking god! You will live this time Clare!

“‘Five,’ she said. Her lips and cheeks were flushed, but her gaze was steady.
‘Five?’ he echoed blankly.
‘My rating,’ she said and smiled at him. ‘Your skill and technique may, perhaps, require work, but the native talent is certainly there. What you require is practice.’
‘And you are willing to be my tutor?’
‘I should be very insulted if you chose another,’ she said, and leaned up to kiss him again.”—Cecily Herondale and Gabriel Lightwood, page 477

These are cutest shits I’ve ever seen. I ship it.

“‘Mr. Rochester never courted Jane Eyre.’ Tessa pointed out.
‘No, he dressed up as a woman and terrified the poor girl out of her wits. Is that what you want?’
‘You would make a very ugly woman.’
‘I wouldn’t not. I would be stunning.’”—Will Herondale and Tessa Gray, page 522-523

Damn you William Herondale.

The epilogue made me tear up and all I can say is that’s how you do love triangles.

This was a nice conclusion to the story, I think Clockwork Prince is probably still my favorite of this series however it was still a really great book and I’m glad I finally finished this series. Now to finish the Mortal Instruments!