A review by mbenzz
Fool by Christopher Moore


Let me start by saying I knew nothing of the play 'King Lear' before reading this. I, of course, knew of its existence but had never read it. This is my second Christopher Moore book (after 'The Stupidest Angel', which is flippin hilarious), and I can't believe I let so many years go by between books. Mr. Moore is just my kinda humor, and Pocket the Fool has become a much-loved character for me. Halfway through this, I read a quick Wikipedia version on the actual Shakespeare play, but upon finishing 'Fool', found I liked Mr. Moore's version MUCH better!

I won't summarize this book since it's been done here already, but I absolutely recommend it. If you're a die-hard Shakespeare fan, you may take offense to what Mr. Moore has done with his play, but if you've got a dry sense of humor, don't mind a bit of satire or a bunch of references to the F-ing French, then definitely pick this up! I will certainly not let so much time go by between Moore books again, and am thrilled to have re-discovered him!