A review by thepeachmartini
In the Dark by Loreth Anne White


In The Dark by Loreth Anne White
Date Read: 19 April 2023

CW: death, death of a child, infidelity

It’s official, I think I’ve found a new favorite author. This has been my favorite book of hers so far…properly dark, suspenseful, and twisted. Not as heavy on the police procedural aspect, but still scratches that itch if you’re into that.

In this novel, we find a group of 8 individuals who have been promised a luxury vacation at a secluded wilderness spa. Are they strangers? Do they know each other?

Things quickly take a dark turn as they realize they’re pawns in a deadly game - literally. One by one, guests are being hunted and stalked, tormented and toyed with…but who is behind it? Is it one of the other guests? Or is there a puppet master controlling everything?