A review by panelparty
All the Answers by Michael Kupperman


Read to catch up on IRCB 2019 Challenge
Read for Popsugar 2020 prompt: Three Word Title

I'm really glad I loved this so much, since I dropped a latte on it and will almost certainly be buying the library a new copy!

As a huge fan of game shows and trivia old and new, I was super excited to read this book. Though it ended up being a lot less about a quiz show and about the author's own father, I found it really tender and could really relate to his feelings about not really knowing his own family.

My one gripe is the way author draws himself with no eyelids - he appears to be perpetually in a state of wide-eyed WTF even when those around him appear relatively normal. Maybe this was an intentional stylistic choice, but his weird face took me out of the story a bit.

the author's scary unblinking eyes