A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Played by Jen Frederick


Played had the best kind of friends-to-lovers romances out there. Frederick wove a tale of friendship with ease and skill, a technique that made their deep connection vibrant and their transition to lovers seamless. With a delicious slow burn that echoed in every scene, Ty and Ara’s story will keep you captivated the entire way through.

Both characters were starkly real–Ty’s struggle with image and the tricky path to being drafted along with Ara’s battle to be seen outside of her father’s shadow brought to life that identity crisis of a near college graduate and the pressures placed on those with a lot to lose (i.e. all young people entering the workforce). Their dynamic felt comfortable, a partnership of friends that melded with one another as if it were second nature. It furthered the build-up to a satisfyingly fiery romance, and gave it another wonderful layer to become captivated by.

Played was easy to fall into and addictive to keep reading, and because of that it’ll be a fast but enjoyable read. I loved both main characters and their path to recognizing the rewards of falling for your very best friend. Even if friends-to-lovers isn’t your thing, there’s a whole host of beauty to find in this story.

**Received an early copy; this had no bearing on my opinions**