A review by justini
The Falcon Throne by Karen Miller


I had high hopes for this book, it's in my wheel-house you might say. Unfortunately it felt very much same, same and not at all different from what has come before. Lordly rebellion, bastard takes the throne, heir thought dead but isn't. Big bad shadowy guy in the background pulling strings but not a lot in the way of explanation.

It is a largish book that doesn't really go anywhere. From when we start to when we finish is merely a matter of years and a lot of characters dying, but since I didn't really get attached to them in the beginning it didn't bother me at all. A lot of the time I found the interesting characters didn't have enough to do or say whilst others had whole chapters of nothing interesting, just a lot of talk and what felt like background colour that we didn't really need.

The language interested me for a while, but it wasn't enough to hold my interest. I ended up skimming through the last half, hoping against hope for some big twist. I am not a fan of books that don't give you some kind of pay off for your time, especially when they are this long. Instead we have a world getting darker, our main character is a wet blanket, the women are not given enough to do (which considering this is written by a woman just pisses me off) and the bad guy getting away with everything, cause, you know, magic.

Some characters just did not seem at all real, even fantasy real. Seriously, you aren't sure that your brother is a good guy or a bad guy but you're going to bring your whole family into his court? I know it's fantasy but I find it hard to believe in the 'good' characters complete lack of understanding about the real world they live in. You know you are surrounded by a nest of vipers but hey, you trust them anyway? Grrrrrrrrrrr. Doubt I will read anything more in this series, may give a different series a go but we'll see.