A review by a_j_torres0
Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes


This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 2.

Book Cover: 5* - The cover strikes again. The mystery isn't as prevalent this time because I have a hunch at who is under the red hood but I think the surrounding environment and sunlight hitting the character from behind is beautiful. I also see the return of a hawk flying in the sky which is understandable from how the story explained their importance.

Summary/Tagline: 4* - The tagline is, "The road to power... is paved with blood and magic." Which sounds really cool and got me so curious about what this second book will entail. The summary again is split into several characters including a new one while the over all is on the inside flap of the book. The characters are oddly brief and straight to the point this time as the over all is the more appealing of the summaries. It still draws me in and I want to know what will happen next.

Characters: 4* - Okay so the chapter names have changed in this book. Instead of country names they are now characters names. There are now 9 POVs, most of which are brand new characters introduced in this book.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - My feelings towards this character is about the same as book 1, indifference, but it has verged on annoyance at times because this character just doesn't think of a plan for a "rebel" leader seeking vengeance, and tremendously careless.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/8 POV Chapters - Still my least favorite character. With all that she has went through in the first book, she has sort of picked up a spine, and by pick up a spine I mean she still doesn't think and just starts running her mouth without being careful. The enemy is literally all over her home and she isn't as careful as she should be with how she feels and what she plans. Plus the amount of arguing that goes on in this book between Cleo and other characters is ridicules. Oh yeah and now there is another romance that was clearly forced involving Cleo and another character, and no it isn't Magnus, and before I forget, it has barely been a moth or 2 since Theon's death.
Prince Magnus Damora/6 POV Chapters - My favorite character still and the one I fear for most. Magnus's heart has been broken and hurt after Lucia has said things about him to their father and is forced to tread carefully around his father. His father has secrets, one Magnus can't trust and he is sure his father is only using him for an end goal. What that is Magnus has to find out, fast.
Princess Lucia Damora/5 POV Chapters - Lucia is going through a terrifying change, one that has me highly intrigued. Sadly this character also goes through an instant romance that got me rolling my eyes and screaming are you freaking serious.
Lysandra Barbas/3 POV Chapters - This character tested my patience. I know Cleo and Jonas don't think things trough a lot but at least there are times they stop to think, Lysandra doesn't and she is so aggressive towards other characters, especially Cleo, a character she has never met. I couldn't get behind her but I do feel bad for what has happened to her family and friends.
King Gaius Damora/2 POV Chapters - He is the antagonist in this book, and I don't like him at. All. He is vile and a manipulative a**. He will happily and proudly use his kids to get what he wants and take out who ever will talk back to him, hence why I feel terrible for Magnus and I fear for him. I also thought it was weird he got any POVs. They felt more like, "Hey look what this character is doing." and I was like, "ok, I figured." I just didn't find his chapters necessary.
Alexius/2 POV Chapters - Ok so he now has less POV chapters compared to book 1 but he is one I just couldn't trust and when his "romance" scene came up with a specific character I just rolled my eyes and said is this chapter over yet lol.
Queen Althea Damora/1 POV Chapter - I feel like her chapter was put in for one reason and one reason only, and I can't tell you what that is because spoilers. Just know that it was interesting being in her perspective.
Nicolo Cassian/1 POV Chapter - Again, I don't know why this character also got a POV. I'm sure it was meant to set things up for the next book, problem is there are many chapters after his still before the end of the book, but I guess whatever it's there.
There are other characters in this book, some new, some from previous books, most of which end up dead, the old characters not the new ones. Some were interesting and others I felt were just there this time.

World Building: 3.5* - The magic system is better explained in this book now as new worlds are being introduced with introductions of new characters but not fully, at least not yet I'm assuming, there are 6 books lol.

Story: 3.5* - Okay, I have no idea what went on for this book but the romances being thrown in feel definitely forced and unnecessary. Princess Lucia finds love with a specific character because reasons? Cleiona and Jonas are insufferable in my opinion and the amount of arguing is just, yeah I'm sure that's healthy. The story as a whole has a few interesting moments but it's hidden under all that stupid romance and Cleiona rambling and complaining. I'm also very, very worried a love triangle is coming because there are many, many times she verbally attacks Magnus but when alone she suddenly defends him . . . Like make up your mind girl. A few more characters die, many of them I expected them to die in specific ways but the book surprises me by killing them in other ways . . . Did I forget to mention I like surprises lol. I was also very much let down by the ending because it just ends. It ends with an obvious cliff hanger but that ending was just such a let down that I heavily rolled my eyes, (sigh) I hope book 3 is better.

Over All: 4* - Okay, although I don't care for most of the characters in the book and the romance made me want to throw the book across the room, Magnus and Lucia keep the rating where it is along with those highly intriguing moments in the book. I definitely look forward to book 3 because I worry for Magnus and I need to see what is going on with Lucia and I also hope King Gaius, like, dies lol.