A review by hannahmaybookreviews
The Choice by Alex Lake


Title: The Choice
Author: Alex Lake
Pages: 400
Publisher: Harper Collins
Rating: 5/5

A huge thank you to Alex Lake, Harper Collins, Random Things Tours and Netgalley for letting me read and review!


Matt Westbrook only left his 3 children in the car for a few minutes whilst he nipped into the shop for essentials. Due to the current pandemic he feels this is the quickest and safest option. But he was wrong, vert wrong. When he returns to his car his children are gone. At first, he is stunned, but when his phone begins to receive messages from the kidnapper, the reality of the situation kicks in and Matt has to leap into action. His children have been kidnapped and this time the ransom isn’t money, it’s his beloved wife Annabelle. To see his children alive, he must trade the other thing he holds most dear, the love of his life, the mother to his children.

When reading the description for The Choice and seeing the impossible predicament the characters would be in, I was instantly hooked and I needed to know what would happen. I am a huge psychological fan and after reading the reviews I felt excited about this book, I really hoped I wouldn’t be disappointed and I definitely wasn’t!

The opening of the book gripped me straight away, the fist chapter jumps straight into the action and gripped I remained right until the end. I also loved how relatable this read was with the pandemic we are all currently battling and the lack of toilet paper when Matt goes to the shop!
This story is told from different character’s perspectives and point of view, these were all clearly marked and easy to follow. The short snappy chapters also set a perfect pace for this read and helped you to really feel the character’s panic at times. The fact that some of the chapters left you hanging meant it was hard to put the book back down. The book is also split into parts and flashbacks to when Matt and Annabelle were younger, I really enjoyed this element as I felt I really got to know the characters well and understand their journeys. It also did a wonderful job at putting people on the suspect list!

I loved the relationship between Annabelle and Matt, together they were a power couple. We had Annabelle who was strong, brave and determined and then Matt who wasn’t a typical male, he was in touch with his sensitive side and showed his feelings, which made him feel very real. At times I wondered if they were too perfect, but I was definitely wrong about this.

When I had to stop reading The Choice, I couldn’t wait to pick it back up and genuinely felt eager to return to the read. At the same time however, I couldn’t wait to finish the book, only because I was eager to see how the story would pan out and if I was right about my suspicions.

I did manage to work out who the perpetrator was, I think this was due to the number of psychological thrillers I have read. The fact I did guess didn’t spoil this for me however and the twist was fantastic. Let’s just say though that the perpetrator was the perfect villain, they were cold hearted, twisted, crazy and totally delusional and they gave me the creeps.

This perfect, steady paced, enthralling book had me at the edge of my seat. The twists and turns were brilliant, the book was atmospheric and I would definitely read other books from this talented author.