A review by siakou
The Things We Do to Our Friends by Heather Darwent

DNF @57%

Don't be fooled by the pretty cover, it's not worth it!
There’s no point in trying harder. It feels like I spend hours reading only to see I’m 2% farther. It took me 5 days to get at +50%
Thank you NetGalley and Penguin General UK for the digital ARC but I’m just drained and want to move forward now PLEASE.

If I had to describe this book with a sentence it would be: too slow, didn’t care.

My expectations from reading the synopsis were never met.
This was not a thriller nor it had suspense of any kind. Everything moved along too slowly, so many descriptions, infinite internal dialogue, zero connection between the characters and a plot line that never made any sense. Every character felt one dimensional and insufferable.
Even when for the main part, what the whole "secret evil group" was set to do is revealed the pace doesn’t pick up.
The whole book reads as if you’re reading the diary of what a weird college girl with paranoia and psychosis did every single day and I’m not putting up with it anymore, I’m done.