A review by betherin02
Deck The Shelves by Toni Shiloh


Full review on FaithfullyBookish.com

I'm not a huge fan of Christmas stories but I am a big fan of this one! While I personally prefer to keep the celebration of this sacred holiday simple and quiet, I can definitely appreciate the joy and enthusiasm people (and fictional characters) like Kendall Jackson possess!

Quinton reminds me so much of my real-life hero, quiet, hard-working, a wonderful daddy, and swoony! The family dynamics within his multi-generational household warmed my heart (I'm not volunteering for that living plan but it's so sweet to read about how others might make it work).

I highly recommend this novella! It has heart and depth and humor and it's perfect for the busy Advent season or any time of year!

I borrowed this book through the Kindle Unlimited program and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.