A review by theshaggyshepherd
Grey Enigmas by Gareth Lewis


Despite the low-key cover, the description for Grey Enigmas by Gareth Lewis sounded really intriguing so I knew from the start that this was a book I wanted to try. I really liked that the book stuck to what it promised but added enough mystery to the story that I didn’t always know what was coming.

The idea that everyone is telepathically linked was really interesting and makes for an entirely different societal setup that I enjoyed learning about. It made for an interesting backdrop to a story that felt compelling to the very end. Despite the strong plot though, the characters lacked the depth that would’ve made this a truly outstanding book for me. While I do think that some of this was somewhat intentional due to the main character’s history, I didn’t feel that the development came together quite as strongly as I would’ve liked. There also were some details that seemed unlikely within the boundaries of the world-building provided and the ending felt a little rushed. This story was on the short end of our assignments and I think it would’ve really benefitted from a higher word count to allow for more characterization and to flesh out the conclusion.

Despite the critique above, I had a pretty good time while reading this book and I am looking forward to more adventures in this world. There are two more installments in this series and I’m excited to get back to them hopefully soon.