A review by _basicbookworm
The Photographer by Mary Dixie Carter


Delta Dawn is a professional photographer capturing pictures of New York's elite and their families. When Delta is taking pictures at Natalie Straub's birthday party, he finds herself wanting to be part of this family's lives. She slowly gets in their inner circle, by babysitting Natalie, becoming the mother's friend, and spending more time with the father. But no matter how close she gets, it never seems to be close enough.

Wow what a creepy book. Fans of the You series will enjoy this one. Delta's obsession with the Straub family is disturbing, but you can't stop reading about it. This is a fast-paced and gripping read, and although it is fairly predictable, the drama keeps you intrigued the whole time. I would have loved to get even deeper in Delta's head and learn more about WHY she is the way she is. She was a fascinating character and I ended the book feeling bad for her. If you are looking for a quick psychological thriller, this is a good one for you!