A review by secamimom
Dark Companion by Marta Acosta


Jane Williams has grown up in foster home after foster home. After finally focusing and attaining good grades in school, she acquires a scholarship to the Birch Grove Academy. When she arrives, she is selected to tutor the headmaster’s son, Lucien. Almost immediately, Jane learns that things are not as they seem at the school. People have died. People have disappeared. Jane begins to wonder why exactly she is at the school and if she should stay.

I have put off writing this review for some time. I’m not one who likes to disagree with others, but I was asked to review honestly on this site and that’s what I’ll do.

I didn’t like Dark Companion at all. I didn’t feel like I could connect to any of the characters and for me to enjoy a book, I have to feel as if I am in their world. Usually I am not one to enjoy descriptions of places and things, but I felt that it was lacking in that. The writing seemed choppy to me. Once you focused on one scene or thought it was jumping to another.

This book didn’t get interesting to me until about eighty percent in and honestly, getting to that point was hell…pure hell. I had to make myself finish.

All this being said, I have read several reviews of people who actually enjoyed Dark Companion. Personally it wasn’t for me, but who am I to deny you of your curiosity when you pick it up and check it out. But don’t blame me when you wish you could have the time back that you feel like you wasted like I did.