A review by beverleefernandez
Disgruntled by Asali Solomon


Disgruntled is a coming of age story that i think many people can relate to. It's one where as a child, your biggest concern may have been how to avoid being picked on by classmates or how to avoid being embarrassed by your parents. As you grow older, circumstances change--in this case, a breakup of your parents' relationship. Time, in this case, doesn't heal wounds, but makes them fester & linger.
I think Disgruntled biggest weakness is also what makes it a realistic story. Kenya doesn't have a perfect childhood (no one does). Her life has some aspects of stereotypes, such as absentee father, mother who chooses a man over her child, child who grows up with some degree of privilege & has no idea what to do with it. Overall, I like the novel. Sometimes the truth hurts, other times it can be liberating. The ending, though a little rushed, serves as a reminder that sometimes going back to where you came from is not so much a fall as it is a new beginning or "burn it all down".