A review by lukre
Banquet For the Damned by Adam L.G. Nevill


With every page I am disliking this book more and more.
1) his style of writing. I have a thing to say to this writer: not every noun has to have an adjective and there is such a thing as a simple sentence in the English language. Why, in god's name why!?, do you have to write like this! This is a horror/suspense story - there is no horror and no suspense here simply because the author can't seem to get to the point. He keeps writing about the existential crises of some of the characters, which could fit within a horror story, but he does this in a way that makes you want to shoot the characters yourself and not like them. The only feeling i get is annoyance at the author's literary diarrhea.
2) This book needs a better editor. The misuse of comas in here could be used at exams for students of English as an exercise in "Spot the pointless coma"
3) The author is often undecided - "he ran away ... his pain made him move slowly"; "Both guitars were quiet (because Tom and Dante were fighting) ... Tom wasn't in the apartment"...
4) the author wastes our time and energy spending entire chapters introducing characters who he then kills at the end of the chapter and then never mentions again. This can be done once or twice, but anything more than that and it becomes very clear that the author's intent was to make the book longer. This is a very cheap trick and useless - if you are paid by the page or if you think that longer books are better - THINK AGAIN!
5) In the entire book, there are a couple of female characters, only one of them is present for more than one page/chapter, and that one turns out to be the minion of the evil creature! Really? Of course the perfectly beautiful black haired woman dressed all in black is a minion.... we guessed that from the start!

and I still haven't finished the book. and I can't wait to finish it so I can remove it from my reader