A review by imaginethis346
Beneath These Walls by Shade Owens


Shade Owens has finally come out of her shell with an amazing talent for writing psychological thrillers. I believe this is her genre and Beneath These Walls is a gem. I received an ARC through BookSirens and I am honored to review this book. I am telling you; this is definitely worth reading.

Alice is an abused wife on the run from a husband who tried to kill her. Now, she lives with her two boys in old house that she inherited from her uncle. The small town has heard rumors about her uncle being a strange man and he's accused of doing horrific things. Alice becomes paranoid of everyone and everything. Is her family finally safe from her alcoholic abusive husband or has she moved her family to place where even more danger awaits?

Shade switches between the past and present. This helps the reader understand the main character, Alice and her family. It is impossible to lose interest while reading this. There are chilling twists that the reader will never see coming. At one point, I had my thumb on my chin, and fingers over my mouth in disbelief. I thought, oh dear, finally I can relax. Nope, the plot thickens. Shade is wonderful at building suspense and engaging the reader; then she takes a 'commercial break' to the past. This will leave you anxious and speeding to the present.

I sympathized with Alice and badly wanted to rescue her, Lucas, and Grayson from James. My stomach was aching and nervous, even though, I knew it wasn't reality. It was the thought that some women have experienced the same trauma as Alice. The eerie feeling of being watched and never feeling safe no matter where you are is maddening. Even after moving to her uncle's house the paranoia didn't stop.

Trigger warnings: abuse, alcohol, violence, and death

Thank you, Shade Owens for allowing me to review your ebook through BookSirens. It was eerily entertaining and fun. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.