A review by rachd24
The Life and Loves of a He Devil: A Memoir by Graham Norton


Check out my full review here:

I'm pretty confident everyone in Ireland has heard of, and probably loves, Graham Norton. The first time I recall seeing him was during his time on Father Ted. My entire family had tears tripping them watching his performance (we were laughing until our stomachs hurt).

I wasn't allowed to watch his early chat shows, as I was quite young, and his content wasn't suitable for a young audience. However, once I hit my late teens I was hooked, and fully immersed myself in to all things Norton.

When this book was first released, I was super interested in it, but I'd heard a couple of bad reviews that put me off. I'm raging I listened to them. Norton's memoir is sharp, witty, and poignant - everything I wanted it to be and more (my only significant complaint being that there simply wasn't enough of it). Now, more than ever, I wish we were besties who had hilarious fortnightly catch-ups in the local pub.

This memoir didn't just give me an insight in to the man, or the industry, it was a laugh-out-loud tonic that I couldn't put down. A must-read for any of his fans.