A review by emslovestoread
The Choice by Og Mandino


This is really one of the best books I've read in a long time. It's a self-help book hidden inside a great story, and one that makes you stop and think. I actually burned the chicken tonight trying to finish the last two chapters!

Mandino takes what is usually a preachy subject (how to live our lives) and turns it into an introspective feast. By setting his advice to a fictional story, he makes it interesting without being trite or lightheaded. I appreciated that. I can't handle the self-help books that take an idea and pound it into your head until you've got a migraine. This one is subtle.

The things that I'll take away from this book are life-altering. It's all about taking time to stop and smell the roses (pardon the cliche). It's about living your dreams. It's about being present in your own life. And we come to that conclusion along with Mark. I love that we are, in a sense, taking the journey with him.

There were also some twists along the way that I liked. I thought I had things all figured out and nicely wrapped up. Turns out, I'd come to the wrong conclusion completely. I didn't see it coming. And then Mandino threw another twist at me and surprised me! I love it when a book does that.

Though this is an older book, I really believe everyone ought to read it. It's good for the soul.