A review by libraryforspooky
You're the Only One I've Told: The Stories Behind Abortion by Meera Shah


I think you could look at this book in two ways. Political agenda of a doctor using the experiences of women who went through abortion as propaganda to support the interface of pro-choice. On the other side of the coin, raw and emotional stories of women who through abortion and shared their stories to destroy the societies way of thinking about abortion.

Roe v. Wade being overturned, Greg Abbott implementing unrealistic medical practices for the states citizens to receive abortions and other states following the direct path after Texas. As a Texan and a woman, it's sickening to have my rights stripped away. It is my body, why do I not have a say in what happens to it?

This book highlights the many socio-economic factors for abortions. People of color and people in poverty are often left with the short side of the stick and taking away their abortion rights feeds into that. This book was phenomenal. These are stories from real women who have struggled, some even made me cry.

Even if you are pro-life, read through the testimonials of these women with open eyes. They are all beautiful, (some might even be a little selfish) and such a far source away from the constant non-separation of church that you most likely see on a daily basis.

My body is my body - if I wanted the government in my uterus then I would have sex with a senator.