A review by beastreader
The Wishing Thread by Lisa Van Allen


The Van Ripper sisters come from a magic background. However not all of the sisters have embraced their heritage. Also they are divided. The Van Ripper's Aunt recognized this and decided to do something about it. She had the last word even after her death. She put in her will that the knitting shop could not be sold and that all three of the sisters had to live together again like a family. Will they embrace their magic this time?

When I read the premise for this book I got excited. I knew I had to pick up a copy of this book and read it. Read it I did. In fact, I had barely gotten far in this book before I was already telling a fellow reader friend about the book. I read and read until I got to chapter ten and than I stopped reading. I read four more books before I went back to this book. It was than that I realized that I could not read any longer. My excitement for this book was short lived. None of the sisters were that interesting to me or their magic. Which the magic was not that pronounced to begin with.