A review by bookswritingandmore
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


An exhilarating ride to the under world!

Brodi Ashton had me captivated from the first few chapters of this book. I couldn't believe that I had some how neglected to pick this book up when it was first released in 2012. Thanks to Evie, I am now a BIG fan of this trilogy.

Becks, a seventeen year old girl, wakes up from a hundred year-long hibernation with bad-boy supernatural, Cole. He’s been feeding from her to replenish himself, however above the surface only a mere six months have passed. Becks chooses to return to her emotionless and confused compared to her friendly and out going former self.

Although numb to emotion and damaged, she has six months to live before being dragged back into hell. All Becks claims to want from these six months is to say her proper goodbyes to her family and friends but she wants to see her ex-boyfriend, Jack, one more time before she goes under forever.

A lot of the story is interwoven with parts of Greek and Egyptian mythology, which I liked very much. It was well thought-out, made sense, seemed original (well, I haven't read anything like it) and even though a lot of it was romance-centred I still didn't feel that it claimed the novel. I was intrigued by the whole concept of this Everneath, a place almost like hell but rather than being a place for sinners, it's a place for Everlivings - who drain souls for energy - and the souls that have been drained.

I think what I liked best, was the constant way the story would twist. I felt like I would develop feelings for one of the characters such as Cole, even though he is the bad-boy in this novel and then I would later develop those same feelings for Jack (Becks ex). All the characters were central to the story and I felt like they were all well developed and thought out by the author. It was great that the novel kept building in storyline and the reader was just as intrigued at the end as you were in the beginning.

Not long after I finished this book, I was breathless to start the next one.