A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
The Princess Bride by William Goldman


Okay, first things first, it took me much less time to read this book than two weeks. But I'll admit it was quite a long read, but oh so worth it.

I had seen the movie a few years ago, and the book tells a seemingly different story than the movie does. But in a good way.

It always dawned on me how much was left unanswered in the movie that are explained in the book. Fezzik and Inigo's friendship, how they met Vizzini, and more about Prince Humperdinck and why he wanted to marry Buttercup. All I understood was the fact that she was beautiful, not much else.

One thing I'm kind of upset that they took out of the movie (I think) was the Zoo of Death. There's at least two passages about the Zoo of Death, and the fact that it was cut was kind of disappointing.

It was an enjoyable read, and I know I'll be reading this again.