A review by righter_of_words
Everyone Wants to Be Ambassador to France by Bryan Hurt



This is a fun short story collection! Each tale is different; there are historical elements as well as sci-fi ones, believable yarns rooted firmly in reality and others that suspend your disbelief in truly amusing ways. Some of the standouts for me are: “The Bilingual School,” “Moonless,” and “The Fourth Man.”

Hurt’s narration is quite conversational and unique. He knows how to tell an absorbing, complete story, even if it only spans a few pages. He’s funny and emotional and strange, often all at once. And his ability to evoke such feeling in such succinct works is remarkable.

In the end, this book is great. The humor is unusual, dry, sometimes dark, but always well-written. The characters are vivid, the writing excellent and distinctive. Overall, this collection is innovative and minimalist, intriguing and odd, and wholly entertaining.