A review by luftschlosseule
The Mermaid Atlas: Merfolk of the World by Anna Claybourne


This book is what is says on the tin: An atlas with different mermaid myths from all over the world.
Each section begins with a map that indicates where this mermaid comes from, and then each myth gets one beautiful illustration to accompany the description.

We need to talk about the illustrations. They are colourful, detailed, and inclusive. Not only have we pale and perfectly groomed slim figures, we have a plus size mermaid, and some feauture arm pit hair. Because they are beautiful as they are, however they chose to represent.
I love that.

As was to be expected, I knew all of the European merfolk, but exactly none from the other continents. I learned while being entertained, which is always the best way.

I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.