A review by emiliebooks
The Cost of Forgetting You by Hannah Bird


“I’ll be with you until the very end, Delilah. And if ever there’s a time where you can’t remember, I’ll do it for the both of us. I promise” 

It’s hard to put into words how much I loved this book. It’s one of my favourites of the year so far, and I’m going to be thinking about this one for a very long time.

I knew that I’d love this book as I cried through the author’s note and dedication. This story touches close to home for me. As someone who, unfortunately, watched a family member suffer from dementia, I felt this in my soul. Hannah did an outstanding job of illustrating how horrible this disease can be and how hard it is for loved ones to witness. 

Both love stories were so heartbreakingly beautiful. I love how we got to follow both Delilah and Henry’s separate love stories in their own POVs and timelines. I felt the chemistry and love for these characters so deeply.

And then there’s Truett…Such an incredible MMC. I loved the way he cared for Henry and Delilah, and boy did he make me swoon🥵. 

I laughed, I cried, I swooned. It was everything you could ever want in a book. It’s a masterpiece. I HIGHLY recommend checking this out.

Thank you so much Hannah Bird for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review. I can’t wait to start your backlist, and for you to rip apart my soul and heal my heart all over again. 🥹

CWs: dementia, cancer, loss of a parent