A review by beastreader
The Plague Diaries by Ronlyn Domingue


This is the final book in this trilogy. I am a little sad to see it end. Yet, excited to see what the author comes out with next. When I first read, The Mapmaker's War, I could not read the book fast enough. The main character was great; yet, it was the world that I enjoyed the most. That did not change in the second book, The Chronicle of Secret Riven, and it did not stop in this final book. A location can help bring a story together and transport a reader.

The second book kind of sets the stage for this final book in the trilogy. It is where readers were introduced to Secret, Fewmany, and the mysterious manuscript. In the prior novel, Secret's ability to "speak" with animals was introduced. I was happy to see Secret's abilities featured again in this book. What added to the aire of mystery were the diary entries from Secret's mother. They slowly revealed the past as well as what the Plague of Silences was about. There is a bit of a slow build up to the story. However, be patient as it is worth it. The story can't really be rushed as that is the beauty in the book. A nice ending to this trilogy. The Plague Diaries will have readers spellbound by this wondrous book and conclusion to this trilogy.