A review by takethyme
Adam's Fall by Sandra Brown


Adam Cavanaugh and Lilah Mason had a history: they detested each other. Both had strong personalities with different outlooks on life. Adam was a close friend and business associate of Lilah's sister but every time he and Lilah met, they clashed. To say that they don't get along, is to put it mildly.

At the opening of ADAM'S FALL, Adam had been in a climbing accident and was suffering: he needed physical therapy. Lilah, a therapist, is called upon by family to help him. After much deliberation she agrees but only if everyone abides by her rules. Adam was furious.

From the outset, scintillating ridicule and snarky comments go hand in hand. Lilah knows that Adam is hurt and angry about what happened to his body and his friends over in Italy. He fought dirty by verbally assaulting her every chance he got. And that was fine with her. Her motto was: Bring. It. On.

If you are a medical purist, you may take issues with Lilah's style of therapy. But I believe Ms. Brown did the groundwork to learn what were accepted forms of therapy when this book was first written. Just 'suspend your disbelief'.

Adam comes on strong as a typical alpha male. Lilah had no problem jumping down his throat when he wouldn't listen to her or follow directions. Their moodiness, angst, and tension took center stage. ADAM'S FALL was unpredictably crazy but still managed to touch base with some poignancy and depth.

This story is the sequel to FANTA C but I had no problem with it as a stand-alone. I was in the mood for a quick-read to take my mind off other things. This story served its purpose.