A review by courland
Blood of Sanguinius by Darius Hinks


I had a good time with this book, but it's let down by two major problems.
First off, the prologue kind of spoils any mystery the plot might have. We're immediatly clued in to who the villains are and what exactly they're doing. Eventually it makes for a satisfying payoff but it's quite frustrating to watch protagonists struggle for answers we already knew from the outset.
The second problem is that the protagonists, aside from Mephiston, feel kind of bland. It often feels like their actions are entirely in service to Mephiston, a character who is so mysterious that at the end of this story I'm still not entirely sure what he is.

Negatives aside, there is still a lot of good to be found here. Hinks is generally really good at making interesting set pieces and fun action scenes, and this is no exception. Despite the mystery that surrounds Mephiston, we still get a good bit of characterization that makes him both terrifyingly strong and at times very vunerable.

With an ending that leaves things open for a sequel I am definitely interested in seeing where this goes, but I'm also left hoping that in the sequel we explore Mephiston more as a character and maybe solve some of his mysteries.
3.5 stars.