A review by mom2three
Rescued and Ruined by V.T. Bonds


This is book one in a spin-off series. You don't have to have read the Alpha Elite series to love the book, but somethings will be more clear if you do. I'm so glad that the end of the Alpha Elite series wasn't the end of this amazingly complex world. These are excellent books that I recommend to anyone who wants a taste of what Omegaverse is all about. They are dark, emotional reads that have a lot of heart, exciting action and suspense, and a HEA that will please any romance lover.

I don't want to give anything of the plot away, so all I can tell you is that Craize and Raeni are characters that will both break your heart and give you hope. They have experienced trauma that will color every action they make and it affects their relationship. I love that Raeni isn't a broken victim, though, and instead has used her past as a way to fight and protect others. She is stronger and has so much more love to give because of it. Craize, on the other hand, has turned his trauma into action. He wants revenge in a way that makes everything else unimportant. Together they can both reach healing that neither thought was possible. The journey to their HEA is full of danger and difficult choices and that danger makes it all the more precious. This is one of those books that kept me glued to the pages and ended too soon. I can't wait to get my hands on the next one.