A review by literarygeorge
Moonlight by Lisa Kessler


Oooooh I love shifter romance books and Lisa Kessler delivers up a hot new series for me to sink my teeth into. Adam is a werewolf and Alpha heir, Lana has blackouts every new moon and has no idea why. When leopard shifters are roaming the area and killing people it's Adam's job to go out and investigate them - scenting a leopard he walks into a diner where he meets Lana. Lana thinks Adam is a creepy stranger and doesn't understand why he helps her. When he tells her she is a leopard shifter, she thinks he's crazy but the more he explains, the more she realizes he might be right.

I love how Lana sticks up for herself even when she is shit scared. I have an issue with leading ladies who are too scared to hold their ground when someone (usually a guy) tries to push them around.
She also doesn't swoon and magically feel safe with Adam, she holds judgement until he proves he can be trusted and rightly so! If I had been her with some random guy telling me I turned into an animal I would have done exactly what she did - thank you, turn, leave and think. I was literally fist pumping when she slammed Adam and his pack for their prejudice against leopards! Especially considering how idiotic Adam was about it - I mean come on she's a leopard who also happens to be your mate, MAN UP and deal with it! It is probably one of my favourite parts.

The plot was great and I really enjoyed the novel. It's typical shifter romance with a little spice so I would definitely recommend it if you love shape shifters. The chemistry between Adam and Lana is ferocious and it's well written. I have no problems but it only gets four stars because it's very similar to most other shifter romances out there, granted it is one of the better ones!

xxx Literary George
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