A review by withthebanned
Yesternight by Cat Winters


I found the premise of this novel extremely interesting. The idea of past lives and traveling souls is something I have always found enthralling and this novel is no exception. I enjoyed the way in which Cat Winters merged different plots and backgrounds and I was especially interested in the storyline of little Janie O'Dare. It was riveting and almost eerie in the way that Janie remembered her past life, and I enjoyed learning the truth behind her story. Alice also has a bit of a background that I would have like to hear more about. Things are explained, but I think that there perhaps could have been much more about her background as it seems that she is connected to a very interesting past.

As for the characters, I liked Alice for the most part, but I didn't love her as I could have. She seemed strong in some instances but then seemed to buckle under certain pressures. Though this made her seem a bit more "real" for me, I had a hard time relating to her as I felt she lacked a bit of depth. Michael was not really a lovable male lead, though I wanted to love him so much. He was selfish and hot headed. Like Alice, he was a realistic portrayal of a certain type of man, but he wasn't anyone that I think a reader would swoon over.

While most of Cat Winters novels lack romance all together, Yesternight had a very different kind of relationship. The romance in this novel was unique as it served a purpose in that in made me happy to see our narrator able to live her life in her own way and make her own decisions regarding her life and sexuality that were unique to this time period. It was extremely steamy at times, but not very romantic. In fact, I can see why some people were very turned off by this relationship as the two were not very compatible in any way besides sexually. Personally, I enjoyed this dynamic in a way as it was unexpected and felt less forced than it would have had Alice and Michael actually fallen in love.

I suppose my only complaint about this novel is that I wanted a bit more from it. I wanted more backgrounds and more depth to relationships. I will say that the ending of Yesternight was fantastic. I was absolutely stunned and it was eerie, sad and rather fantastic all at once. Overall, I enjoyed Yesternight and the novel definitely kept me guessing which made it hard to put down. However I can see the issues that some readers are having while reading. When recommending this author – and believe me, I do - I may hold back from mentioning Yesternight for fear it would turn off a certain type of reader. For myself, I will display this novel proudly next to the author’s other gems and maintain the standing pre-ordering status as I have done.

Shelf Talker: Though The Uninvited still remains my favorite Cat Winters novel, Yesternight was a very interesting read. The premise and execution of the plot regarding traveling souls was very well done and left me wanting more on the whole subject. Though I can see why the romantic aspects of the novel may turn off some, Yesternight is a fantastic eerie and intriguing novel that ensured Cat Winters remains on my must read and auto buy list.