A review by vari
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by Bobby Henderson


The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the first holy religious tome I found that really speaks to me. After trying the Bible (a terrible book where dashing babies upon the rocks is encouraged by God) and the Book of Mormon (which is basically just Bible fan-fiction), I was looking for something more.

That something more is our noodly LORD, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Bobby Henderson is a true prophet in our day. FSMism is the ONLY religion that is scientifically proven, has a beer volcano and stripper factor in heaven, requires absolutely no belief, thinks pirates are awesome, and has the added bonus of being extremely delicious!

If you're looking for a religion that has more than 52 holidays a year (every Friday is a holiday), then LOOK NO FURTHER! If you just want a religion with a couple holy days then FSMism is clearly not for you (and you obviously have no brains because who the fuck doesn't want extra holidays you pretentious jerk)!

I know with every noodly fiber of my being that FSMism is the One True Religion, here to save us from ourselves. Due to my miraculous conversion out of the depths of agnostic atheism, I have promised my LORD, the ever-tasty marinated noodle in the sky, the great, grand, incredible FSM, that I will eat pasta every Friday in honor of his glory.

May all read and be converted,
