A review by readfrenzy
Before You by Marni Mann


Before You is a unique and unpredictable book with a mystery that kept me guessing up until the end.

Billie and Jared’s relationship is told in alternating first person points of view, and I enjoyed the way their story unfolds. We know fairly early on that Jared is lying to Billie, but I had no idea what secrets he was hiding or if he was even a good guy.

Where the book suffers is in the disjointed integration of an additional storyline. Honey’s story is one long flashback and I had trouble keeping up with the jumping timelines. Unlike the rest of the book, this storyline is told in the third person. I felt unconnected to Honey and Andrew and was always anxious to return to Jared and Billie’s story. The prologue also threw me because while it seems to add to the mystery, it is only thinly connected to the main plot and really rather unnecessary.

Two strong main characters, an age gap romance, some action-packed moments, and an intriguing puzzle make up the backbone of the book and are the main source of appeal.

Recommended for fans of:
Age gap romance
Food critics and foodies

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