A review by alexiasophii
A Lion Among Men by Gregory Maguire


06-2022: Damn, 12 years later and here I am re-reading this book! I admit I had completely forgotten most of the plot, so I can say that those last 30 pages were, once again, VERY addictive haha I kept loving this book, more so than [b:Son of a Witch|13521|Son of a Witch (The Wicked Years, #2)|Gregory Maguire|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1370992595l/13521._SY75_.jpg|845295]. And the more I grow up, the more I like Yackle :)


Being an enormous fan of Gregory Maguire and Wicked Years, I was dying to read this.
I've finally read it and I must say I loved it. I missed Gregory's writing and the way he can just pull you into action and make you live and feel what the characters are living and feeling.
I think the book really develops some characters and it helps us understand them better, like Yackle and Brr.

The action was a bit slow, the biggest revelations happen in the last 30 pages. I must say that those pages were fantastic! I just couldn't stop reading, it was so addictive and so.. amazing!

Again, another amazing book by our dear Gregory Maguire.