A review by somanytictoc
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins


I didn't finish this book. I really wanted to. Dawkins is well-regarded among science folks despite his curmudgeonly/hostile reputation, and I greatly enjoyed reading the very similar book [b:Why Evolution Is True|4005310|Why Evolution Is True|Jerry A. Coyne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1442777442s/4005310.jpg|4051626]. Dawkins even refers heavily to Coyne's book as a vital read on the topic of evolution.

As it turns out, you should just read Coyne instead. Dawkins spends the entire first chapter railing against creationists, even while presenting evidence that some 30% of Americans believe some sort of creationism. What I don't understand is why Dawkins seems intent on alienating the very people who need a solid introductory text on the theory of evolution to possibly persuade them to believe the science. If so many are beyond repair, why write a book on the fundamentals of a theory they'll never believe?

I also found the book meandering and off-topic. There are entire chapters I'd recommend skipping, if you feel compelled to pick the book up in the first place. All in all, I don't recommend doing so.