A review by debz57a52
An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon


My biggest beef with this book is the sheer amount of limited 3rd person narration we get.  Claire still has her 1st person, but then we also get perspectives from Roger, Bree, young Ian, Jamie, Lord John, Willie, and maybe even Rachel or Denny?  And others?  It was ridiculous.  Plus, the pacing with Lord John and Willie's chapters were boring.  I get it - DG did her research, but I'm not really paying attention to which military man is on which side.  I infer what I can from the way they interact with the well-loved characters I know, and whose sides I grasp.  I also spent more pages in this book than previous individual books skimming over scenes when a character was lost in a forest, fog, mountain area, etc.  Since we followed all these different characters, the pacing was very different, because their circumstances were very different.  At some point (mostly Lord John or Willie's chapters), I wanted to skip entire chapters, but mostly resorted to skimming when I had to.

That being said, there were some messed up things that happened in the last few chapters of this book.  Cliffhangers abound, more so at the end of this book than in the last few.  The end of #6 seemed more settled.