A review by loverofromance
My Champion by Glynnis Campbell


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

My Champion is the first book in the de Ware's trilogy by Glynnis Campbell. This trilogy is a bit older than some of her other books and I have enjoyed this author since reading one of her shorter stories in a anthology years ago and wanted to read more of her work. I have had My Champion on my kindle for quite some time and I realized that I needed to pick this one up and read it because I wanted something more refreshing and this book delivered that for sure. This was no fluffy regency....this was real, angsty, and full of frustration at times but I still liked it quite a bit.

The story starts off with our hero, Duncan de Ware, who is honorable and kind. He is always taking in strays or people in need of help. When he sees a lone woman, spite a spaniard and his wine, he knows how dangerous her situation is even if she doesn't. So he decides he will be her protector until the danger has passed. But Linet doesn't believe that there is any danger. She is proud of her heritage, and isn't afraid to stand on her own feet. She doesn't believe Duncan especially when he is just a "peasant" and doesn't believe that she is in any kind of danger. But where she was selling her cloths of high value, her place during the special market for a couple weeks is destroyed she heads on home only to be kidnapped by a very dangerous man who wants to sell her to pimps. Duncan saves the day once again, but she still doesn't see him more than a beggar. But soon the chemistry builds between them and Linet can't deny what she feels for this "peasant" and when she learns the truth about who he really is, will her love change or be constant...

This was a story that for the most part I truly liked. I loved the historical aspects that come into play and I honestly felt like I was back in the medieval ages with honorable knights, and beautiful gowns. But I had one major issue that really took much of my enjoyment from the actual story...the heroine. Now I am not like most romance readers, I am not as picky on my heroines like some can be. I try to be more accepting of their faults, but Linet really rubbed me the wrong way. I just hated how she treated the hero here, it was just awful to see. The hero is such a good guy at heart. He is kind and generous. But Linet is always demeaning him, even slapping him when he doesn't say anything wrong or acted out against her. She acts like a spoiled brat a lot of the time, and even after she admits that she loves him, keeps betraying him and hurting him. I just wanted to slap her myself because the way she acts is horrid. Now she eventually learns her lesson and redeems herself in the very end, but it wasn't enough to honestly have me like her very much even in the end there. And even though the hero wasn't always nice to her (which is understandable seeing how she acts towards him) the later half of the story just became too angsty at times. But I did enjoy the built up of the plot, and the ending was sweet and happy in the way I like. So not all of it was bad for me, just mostly the heroine's character. I do plan on reading books 2 and 3 though, since I adored this de Ware family, they were so fun to read about here and I really want to learn more about them because their family dynamics just draw you in.

Overall My Champion is a historically authentic romance that has some thrilling plot points that keep you engaged and a passion hot romance that will give the reader some laughs and entertainment.

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