A review by hanaelzohiry
Asher by Samantha Whiskey


Alright, anyone knows me knows how much I live for Samantha Whiskey's hockey series - I mean I finished 16 books in two weeks that has got to be a record. Also the surprise I had when I saw that we got an Asher book? I actually screamed in excitement.

Asher in all the books was a character that I wanted to know more about. What made him tick, what got him excited. He loved his job, loved his employees and always puts others in front of himself. The book was fun, flirty and definitely an opposites attract type of book. It was a slow burn, but when it popped off, damn did it pop off! I have to admit that I love it when a man goes against what you expect of him and surprises you by doing the complete opposite.

I also loved the way Daisy made him loosen up, to have fun and bend his own rules a little. She's definitely a work hard play hard type of character and I saw myself in that character. She was a romance author who wants to write things how they are, but also dream a little, and I loved watching that unfold during the book. I loved her vibrant personality and her confidence with who she was even in the moments where she had insecurities. She was just real.

As every book goes, there's always some miscommunication that happens. But also, I get it, there are some things in a relationship like Daisy and Asher not only based on their careers, but also their upbringings were so different, so insecurities and miscommunication was bound to happen. Luckily Asher pulled through with a grand gesture that would make me cry on the spot (and did make me cry on the plane).

Anyways, I just know that Samantha has a wonderful series up her sleeve with this billionaire series, and I can't wait to learn more about the five billionaries that meet once a month and do dares/games!