A review by craftychelc
Clean by Juno Dawson


I particularly enjoyed the tone of this novel, no punches were held in terms of character opinions and vocabulary used, but such crass language was vital to reflect the resistance of the characters in admitting their problems, and the laissez faire attitude which got them addicted in the first place.

However, even if you put aside the fact that these characters are addicts, they are wholly unrelatable to. Each one of them was so overly privileged that they became addicted due to a loss for what else to do with their time - if only we were all rich enough for such a luxury! Unless you can spend £1000 on a dress you will only wear once, have enough money to never work a day in your life, or casually name drop the Russian mob to scare your enemies, then these characters are not ones you’re likely to relate to. They’re more of a gossip intrigue; semi-ironically seen as Lexi does spend a lot of time in the socialite gossip magazines.

I highly enjoyed the story, and it’s definitely the ‘older’ version of young adult which is needed in the mix now that young adult seems to be more pre-teen than ever. It’s the type of book which grips you from the opening and doesn’t let go until you’ve made it all the way through.