A review by booksnorkel
A Dragon's Guide to the Care and Feeding of Humans by Joanne Ryder, Laurence Yep


Absolutely enchanting, this is a perfect little book to read if you are looking for something sweet and lovely. Miss Drake is a dragon and her pet human has just died. Feeling sad and sorry her pet’s niece shows up in her cave looking for a friend. Winnie’s aunt just died and left Winnie the best present, a dragon! Miss Drake and Winnie are both strong and stubborn, and with a whole hidden world of magic Winnie could never leave Miss Drake alone. Going around San Francisco we learn with Winnie the hidden wonders, and the hidden dangers of the magic world. A light, airy adventure this is a great story for second graders on up, readers third to sixth grade who are looking for a sweet fantasy book without too much danger. Aimed at girls, boys who love dragons and magic will also enjoy. I can’t wait to read the next one!