A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Weep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie


Weep, Woman, Weep is a lusciously gothic fairytale that deals with generational trauma with a feminist undertone. I loved everything about this novella. The writing was beautiful and haunting, the characters were memorable and despite what they face strong and inspiring and the horror was subtle and creeping. My only main complaint is there was not enough! I would have continued to read about Mercy and Sherry as well as Santos. Even the La Llorona who is terrifying in this novel.

Despite the short length this novel will stick with me for a long time. I adored the representation. Mercy was a joy of a protagonist and narrator. I loved the emotions invoked by this novel, even those of sadness. It really is a beautiful and memorable read. This is the second work by De Blassie and I have to say she is fast becoming a favourite author!