A review by misspentdays
The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes to their Younger Selves by Sarah Moon

This collection of letters from queer writers to their younger selves is edited by Sarah Moon, while James Lecesne of the Trevor Project, which offers hotline services to LGBTQ young adults in crisis, serves as a guest editor. The collection features sixty authors writing letters to their younger selves.

While all of the contributors are now successful writers, they are a cross-section of ages and experiences, which helps this book feel more universal than it otherwise might have. This feeling on my part is in opposition to the Kirkus Review's perception that by the nature of the contributors (very successful authors and illustrators), universality is reduced.

Patrons reading this book will appreciate the variety of voices and styles the letters are written in, including a response to a letter one of the author's wrote to their adult self at 13, along with a number of comics. Some of the writer's tell of feeling extremely isolated, alone, or even unaware; others mention being aware of who they were and okay with it. This is another important aspect of the book. It does not tell the reader they must be depressed or horrified about the idea of their sexuality, but that it okay if it is a struggle. Aside from inspiring letters and the ability to feel supported by these distant writers, the book also provides contact information for the Trevor Project, which could be a lifesaver for some readers.

Many of these author's names will be familiar to readers, which the reader will likely appreciate. It definitely carries the "It Gets Better" message throughout, which makes sense as the book came out when the campaign was at it's height.