A review by jessicareadsit
Fugly by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff


"When it comes to your looks, the only opinion in this world that matters is yours." This should have been the opening line !

So Lily is interviewed by Maxwell for a position at CC cosmetics and he turns out to be a big asshole! She may not be aesthetically pleasing but she had a beautiful heart. She handled herself pretty good though:- “You’re a f-fucking asshole.” I threw my résumé in front of him, my hands shaking half with fear, half with anger, and half with adrenaline. That’s right. Three halves! I’m a dangerous woman! "I’d worked my ass off to have the right experience for a job like this. Okay, yes, I had other options besides C.C.—but those other companies weren’t Cole Cosmetics. They weren’t companies I related to and believed in. Those other companies didn’t tell the world you were beautiful for who you were on the inside and to buy their products simply because you enjoyed pampering yourself. "

Of course in true diva style she storms out only to see him the next day to offer her a job. Then he admits he has cacophobia, a fear of ugly things is messed up.... seriously? I didn't want to believe this shit at first and then did some research on it and as the story progressed I realized it really was a mental sickness to him.

Of course missy tries to get revenge by hitting him where it hurts : “Fine. I’ll come work for you, Mr. Cole. If you sleep with me. You can be my first fuck. Because I won’t have surgery. I won’t ever be beautiful. And I will never have a hot piece of dick like you in my bed. So if your terms require me to do something I find morally repugnant, then it will be quid pro quo. All the fucking way, buddy.” WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .... So confusing and then she accepts the job?

After this challenge he throws down the gauntlet and told her to meet him at his house for "therapy" RIGHTTTT Any-who a quick run later and then bam they are on a plane to Milan where she sucked his dick as therapy? (what psychiatrist is she reading lol?)

It got really emotionally intense when he started battling the sickness: "There was this strange hollowness in my chest when he looked at me. I guess you could call it a sadness or an emptiness. And the look in his cold, hard eyes made me all too aware that he felt the same. But not about me. About himself—his inability to get past this boat anchor around his neck. At least, that’s what I guessed. "

He really gave her a harsh time though:

- “How is it possible that the only person in the world who really sees me, can’t stand to look at me? Really profound !!

-"So you think because you find me disgusting to look at, that it’s impossible for anyone to want me. I’m sure you’ll find this shocking,” I said, “but I wasn’t doing the hitting tonight; they were. Not everyone is hung up on my face or is trying to push me down for something I can’t help. It is possible for men to actually like me.” WOWWWW this man is such a dick !

-"You have no clue what it’s like to be me or what it feels like to want things you’ll never have or to get a thrill from a little attention because I know in my heart that’s all I’ll ever get. So yeah, I wouldn’t mind a good-looking guy like Patricio taking me back to his place for a night of cheap sex.”

This poor girl is finally getting some male attention and Max is just ruining it for her because he wants her? Then he takes her virginity on the wall of a hotel room and she loves it? Did he get over his phobia so easily? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Then she comes all : "I would never be beautiful in his eyes. He would always be beautiful in mine. You now realized this girl ? Seriously ?

Then of course they battle through their difficulties and they get all sweet:- “I think it’s because when I look at you, I see us. And we’re beautiful together.”

Fast forward some hot sex and an accident and then boom broken up. “Because I honestly didn’t believe someone like you could really ever love someone like me. It’s just like you’d said; I didn’t feel I deserved it. I wasn’t good enough. Not for you or anything.”

After all this she is still insecure ??????????????????????

Her parents are super sweet though and perfect with their undying love and affection and they really added a sweet element to the book about loving what you are.

"I received two entertaining texts from John damning me to hell because my mother had shown up the night before and wouldn’t leave. She’d cleaned his apartment, tidied his underwear drawer, and started organizing his porn. “My fucking porn, Lily! Mom put her hands on my porn. Spoiled forever! ”

This is an excellent read and I look forward to more form this author