A review by twellz
Beach Read by Emily Henry


3.8 Stars. Not really a romance novel like I expected...but maybe a psychological drama mixed with a long & drawn out romance? Not sure why it’s called Beach Read either? The plot doesn’t really involve the beach that much. I suppose this would be a good book to read on a beach though? Lol...My review is starting to sound negative, but I do think the romance part captured my attention.

January Andrews & Gus Everett are both rival writers who met at UofM (hey, Michigan fans). They each have their own baggage with family & love, learning how the ideals of childhood can be tarnished by the realities of adulthood, & discovering how true love doesn’t mean no one ever makes mistakes...love takes work, compromise, & second chances.

What I really enjoyed the most about Beach Read is the chemistry between January & Gus. I love when an author can make you “feel” the tension. I cracked up when they were working in their respective cottages, but communicating through huge notes held up to the window. Their romance felt more sweet than steamy too (although there is some major steam when they finally give in to the tension). The enemy to lover banter is cute...I love sarcasm & flirting soooo much!

“That’s the key to marriage. You have to keep falling in love with every new version of each other, and it’s the best feeling in the whole world.”

If you're a fan of small-town charm in romances, this book is perfect for you. It felt like a dark, yet steamy summer version of a Hallmark movie.