A review by ashliesydel
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter


The Lords have come a long way and their family continues to grow. I was so excited to read Torrin's story and I'm glad to say it did not disappoint. I really liked his and Keely's dynamic. It reminded me of Strider and Kaia. Constant flirting and complete honesty. I can't tell you how many times I cheered with excitement and how many times I shook my head disappointed in the choices made by men. Soo... I'm curious whose book is next? Will William's book be under the Lords or Fallen Angels?? Also I've noticed on boards and in this book that everyone expects him to be with Gilly. I really hope when his book comes that Gena does something unexpected like kill her off permanently or have her fall in love with another human. That would be interesting. But back to Torrin's story.

Best Parts

When Keely found out Cameo was his ex girlfriend. Like seriously how akward is that? By the way I live with my ex....

The love triangle between Hades and Torrin. Keely only had eyes for Torrin but seeing Hades charm her got me excited. I've always been a fan of villians.

The HO Team!! I love that Keely has a type A personality like Anya and Kaia..

Parts I could have done without

Galen's yearning for Legion... Like really dude. You should be making amends with your daughter not chasing your dick.

The indecisiveness and constant flip flopping. DON'T toy with me Gena! Don't make a dramatic statement and then two pages later say Take Backsies!!

The random updates. I understand that we are all fans and we like to know what's going on with the characters as times passes but I almost couldn't keep up with it all. If you want to mention what's up give me a paragraph or more.

Is it me or Reyes was kind of douche in this story???