A review by shoddy23
Agency by William Gibson


Like all the best 'science fiction' writers, Gibson sends us all a message from the near future - in this case, quite literally. OK, the number of characters you have to try and keep track of is kind of confusing, especially if you haven't read [b:The Peripheral|24611819|The Peripheral|William Gibson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1574084339l/24611819._SY75_.jpg|40167043]. Luckily they are given ridiculously playful names, just to help you out.

Essentially it's classic Gibson. In the seemingly mundane nougat of plot following at least two different timelines you can find plenty of nutty ideas to chew on. Agency rewards a careful, close read and possibly some cross referencing - precisely the kind of analysis today's tech generation may struggle to achieve, given that unlimited access to information seems to have simultaneously conspired to make us all stupid.

Gibson serves up a metaphorical warning disguised as a tech-noir mystery thriller: get informed about the klept, about the City of London, and about the surveillance state - or get fucked.